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  1. why are you attracted to unassisted birth?
  2. Pain between contractions?
  3. HBAC Homebirth: Someone please tell me why and what im preparing for?
  4. Cautiously hunter gathering... homebirth...
  5. The 2nd Midwife
  6. Latest Cochrane review
  7. Doula and IM - both?
  8. Swan Hill, are there any Doulas available?
  9. Obtaining a hospital consent form
  10. Obtaining HB prescriptions from a GP -Perth
  11. Planned homebirth; the professional responsibility response
  12. 2010 Mothers and Babies report Australia
  13. ISO midwife for homebirth in Lake Clifton
  14. Birth pools and photos - questions and rambling!
  15. IM in dubbo???
  16. The checklist
  17. Where would you go if HB wasn't an option for you?
  18. Birth Pool hire/sale VIC
  19. Shamanic Midwife
  20. Ivf home Births
  21. registering a freebirth in Tassie?
  22. diff btwn medicare reg midwife and IM?
  23. Some insights would be appreciated into my situation. *baby earthside*
  24. First homebirth, quetions, tips, suggestions ect
  25. Risks of birthing in hospital in Australia and other stuff
  26. We did it!
  27. Questions to ask a Doula...
  28. MAMA (Midwives and Mothers Australia) feedback?
  29. I need some help sorting through some things.
  30. Yet another study - Outcomes of Care for 16,924 Planned Home Births in the US: The Mid
  31. Home Birth: Why This Doctor Would Still Homebirth
  32. kids and going into labour.
  33. strep b + and having hospital birth
  34. The Midwife Clinic in Brisbane
  35. Advantages of unregistered MWs?
  36. How early (if at all) is it safe to homebirth if you go early?
  37. Homebirth through a hospital - opinions please
  38. Help finding article on Ob's own birth & poor treatment?
  39. What do you want in pre-birth classes?
  40. Publicly funded homebirth in Brisbane?
  41. Birth options in Canberra
  42. Birth centre rant and help finding policy documents
  43. Does anyone have an Aquaborn Eco birth pool?
  44. Birth pool
  45. Planning a homebirth!
  46. Ipswich midwives
  47. Melbourne Midwives