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  1. Anyone willing to lend a few books?
  2. Tell us about your caesarean/s
  3. Birth Attendant in SOR Perth or Margaret River?
  4. Avoiding *unnecessary* transfer - your tips!
  5. Househunting co-mod
  6. How can I deal with ignorant comments?
  7. Could someone help me find that thread....
  8. Louise Taylor - Castlemaine Area?
  9. Birth Support in Rockhampton
  10. Midwife and Doula??
  11. Anyone choose a HB in another town?
  12. looking for research/article on inaccuracies of U/S in estimating Fetal Weight
  13. When would you agree to a transfer
  14. anyone else find HB a little lonely?
  15. do large women home birth too???
  16. Syntocinon and Syntometrine Q
  17. What are the BABY outcomes for ob vs midwife, hospital vs home? *Triggers about birth outcomes*
  18. Birthing pool to borrow/hire??
  19. Home birth conference
  20. inflatable pool repair patch
  21. Looking for a Midwife or birth support for Rockhampton area.
  22. Cheap Birthpool
  23. Any recs for Melbourne midwifes?
  24. birth pools
  25. Tell me about Footscray, Yarraville & Steiner Stream there......
  26. Maybe back to the drawing-board...need suggestions!
  27. La bassine vs BPIAB?
  28. Hospital / Birth Centre Launceston, Tas good and bad info please
  29. Homebirth away from home- interstate, anyone in Tas willing to host?
  30. Need advice and help! :(
  31. Independant MW's! NSW Central Coast...HELP PLEASE!!
  32. Doula recommendations Coominya/Ipswich area QLD
  33. Husband says no???
  34. Lay midwife?
  35. 42 weeks and feeling pressured - remind me how normal this is!
  36. Not sure where to post this...
  37. Why does it have to be this hard?
  38. New at Planning a hb :)
  39. Hour away from hospital able to deal with emergency situation - still safe to homebirth?
  40. Midwife north Brisbane
  41. Dealing with the comments?
  42. Student Doulas in Victoria
  43. Does the number of clients a midwife has affect your choice?
  44. New rules with homebirthing?
  45. Western Australia
  46. Teachers Health no longer paying homebirth benefits!!!!
  47. My thoughts to where to birth
  48. Twin Homebirth - having twins at home
  49. Brisbane Midwife Tricia Stuart
  50. Has anyone had a HB against the wishes of their husband/parnter?
  51. rant: unsupportive family for hb
  52. Needing Honest Advice and Support...
  53. Flat already...
  54. Negative Shit keeps dropping from the sky
  55. DH worried about DoCS/Families SA if we free birth
  56. Meet ups in Sydney. :)
  57. IM recommendations Latrove Valley/Gippsland please?
  58. IMs for homebirth of twins in Perth?
  59. Feeling completely lost now
  60. Private Health Insurance
  61. Cutting the Cord
  62. It's like something has finally switched
  63. IM Recommendations Central Victoria area (north of Melbourne)
  64. Moving House
  65. Doulas in Mackay
  66. Planning homebirth with unsupportive partner/support person
  67. My (lack of) options
  68. Number of IM at a birth?
  69. What happens 'after' a HB?
  70. Statistics
  71. Where can I get 5W?
  72. Due Dates
  73. Baby Birth Day and Features Guessing Competition
  74. Tell me about your IM
  75. I know it's the right thing, but why do I feel so down??