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  1. Lunar Cycles
  2. CM obs while BF and q's about BBT charting
  3. Mittelschmerz
  4. First bleed post babes - weird
  5. information please
  6. January Fertility Health thread
  7. Becoming fertile whilst breastfeeding
  8. February 2012 fertility health thread
  9. Opk, wtb?
  10. March 2012 fertility health thread
  11. unusually late period but negative pregnancy test
  12. i don't know why i'm surprised but really?
  13. The Morning After Pill
  14. Mid-cycle bleeding?
  15. "Anonymous" sperm donation * DIY insemination
  16. April 2012 Fertility Health Thread
  17. May 2012 Fertility Health Thread
  18. Natural progesterone cream to return cycle after 14 mths PP
  19. Chances of pregnancy while on period
  20. When would ovulation happen while 'egg white' mucous is evident?
  21. IVF mind dump
  22. July 2012 Fertility Health Thread
  23. Shortening cycles, wtd?
  24. What does Super Fertile mean?
  25. After some advice on contraception please?
  26. Breastfeeding & Fertility Tracking with or without contraceptive use
  27. Not sure if your family is finished?
  28. Trying to decide about another child
  29. How do you/did you know when you are done?
  30. Thin lining perhaps?
  31. Due in Winter 2013
  32. Bringing on the big O
  33. what's with the slime?
  34. How effective is the withdrawal method *really*?
  35. Anyone actually getting pregnant before their bleed returns?
  36. Cervical mucous help please!
  37. I think I am ovulating. What do I do?
  38. I should know this but don't...
  39. Mirena and Anemia
  40. Can men get their tubes tied? & vasectomy reversal Q
  41. working out conception
  42. Fertility while breastfeeding...
  43. Blue moon
  44. Temps up and down
  45. November Fertility Thread
  46. Vasectomy
  47. Little support towards another baby from friends
  48. implanon
  49. bbt and progesterone
  50. Crazy hormones or crazy head ?
  51. eek. i think i'm getting an abortion tomorrow!
  52. Babies at age 40 and Beyond - anyone out there?
  53. Dominique Christina, the period poem
  54. Tubal Ligation v's Vasectomy
  55. Apparently my miscarriages dont count :(
  56. Fertility and the supermoons
  57. How did you make space (financially mostly) for another baby?
  58. Vasectomy Reversal
  59. One period postpartum then nothing - could it be the tandem feeding?