View Full Version : Homegrown Pregnancy & Birth

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  1. can low bp be a problem?
  2. Negative opinions...
  3. accepting & welcoming a "surprise" baby
  4. Birthing Twins
  5. Contemplating the 20wk scan
  6. Breastfed child or InUtero taken care of first?
  7. Client/friend/family begging for a transfer
  8. Sciatica
  9. 4kg in 3 weeks
  10. Was your family HB'd?
  11. Place of Birth and Impact
  12. Psychological Phases of the third trimester
  13. shoulder dystocia
  14. been reading spiritual midwifery
  15. Labour and birth as a performance
  16. Tattoos and pregnancy - why a no go?
  17. Osteo/chiro/accupuncture???
  18. just have to vent...
  19. Your birthspace and birth pool
  20. what 2 d0?????
  21. Aching belly...
  22. breech babies
  23. games we must play to get the birth we want
  24. Please explain braxton hicks...
  25. Local anesthetic when pregnant
  26. Struggling with kids in late pregnancy
  27. In Awe!
  28. Nearly made me physically sick...
  29. Chlidren at the birth, what did they do?
  30. kidney infection
  31. Vitamin C use for labour pain and rapid birth??
  32. I think i need reassurance....
  33. cousin's baby born at 33wks
  34. Anyone know how to feel your uterus externally?
  35. Needing patience...
  36. birthing music
  37. Anyone had shoulder dystocia while UB'ing?
  38. can s0me0ne please slap me!!
  39. TMI-Hemorrhoids
  40. Excruciating pain on descent
  41. Can you have a Lotus birth AND practice Placentophagia?
  42. help please
  43. pain in my pelvis?
  44. Target sale on portable spa - ? birth pool option?
  45. I made a big difference woohoo!!!
  46. General cord cutting questions
  47. Sudden swelling
  48. A padding question
  49. 'Low' amniotic fluid
  50. Oceania for hire?
  51. fbers: how much distance would you accept, between your home & hospy?
  52. I feel yukky, could this be good?
  53. Intense Braxton Hicks
  54. why I will never have another scan
  55. Happy hormones
  56. is weight gain in pregnancy hereditary?
  57. Why me? *stupid Kidneys*
  58. we had our baby
  59. Swimming with sharks
  60. I love being pregnant...
  61. cream for massaging belly after giving birth.
  62. bedrest/taking it easy .....sigh
  63. ok dont laugh
  64. Birthing Ball Size??
  65. Rh negative homebirths/freebirths
  66. baby turning question
  67. Food in Labour
  68. Belly cast with henna
  69. meltdown
  70. Where to get belly cast kits in ACT or Aus.
  71. Different cravings for different gender babies?
  72. land birthing, which room? and 3rd stage Q's.
  73. What's with this cramping?
  74. I just wanted to share my belly timeline so far :)
  75. Twins & triplet home births - YouTube vid