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  1. Birth Pools
  2. What do you think?
  3. A vistt to the GP today. Finaly, birth trauma aknowledged
  4. Siblings at the birth
  5. Placenta previa info?
  6. who was at your birth
  7. Losing weight at 26+ weeks?
  8. Would I get BC into trouble?
  9. 1st, 2nd, 3rd labours
  10. Please help: I need resources for a neighbour, 15 weeks pregnant with twins!
  11. why? what to do?
  12. What do you all think of hypnobirthing?
  13. VE's and bleeding
  14. Cold relief for during pregnancy?
  15. Knowing?
  16. Screening off a birthing space
  17. Trying to pick out a pregnancy supplement
  18. The purpose of pain?
  19. Pregnant bath/showers how hot too hot??
  20. was your baby born blue?
  21. happy happy homebirth!
  22. A Short History of Baby Care
  23. ECV - Why would you torture yourself!?
  24. Feeling like some weird freak
  25. Help - Just had a bleed...
  26. questions about position
  27. Childbirth Connection "Maternity Quality Matters" Campaign
  28. Broken cocyx and second pregnancy
  29. Twisted pelvis, bubs head stuck against 'left side of inlet' help please
  30. 35 weeks and bub still changing position
  31. fears, small fears baby position
  32. books for children
  33. How accurate is ultrasound for dating gestation?
  34. Seeing your midwife
  35. Placentophagia and PND
  36. intuition in labour
  37. birth trauma = babies not liking their heads touched?
  38. Chest pain and difficulty breathing....
  39. Good and bad things to say in labour support
  40. Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg
  41. Mastitis in 38week woman?
  42. Yay! I've got one & so happy!
  43. what IS that fabulous newborn smell?
  44. High cervix???
  45. Neonatal Unity for Mums & Babies (N.U.M.B.)
  46. A Philosophy of Poo
  47. Celebrating your last pregnancy
  48. breathlessness when having braxton hicks-normal?
  49. GD Quick help please!
  50. Neko Rae is earthside!
  51. Parvovirus B19 - Opinions Please
  52. beautiful unassisted birth video
  53. Experience with Anti-E
  54. DH surprised me today
  55. Possible to be pregnant but blood tests say negative?
  56. Possible 'bloody' show at 30 weeks?
  57. Hand foot and mouth disease.
  58. So in a HB - would it happen?
  59. Just for peace of mind
  60. Some antenatal testing...why not?
  61. Losing faith in homebirth
  62. Funny belly (and bum) *TMI*
  63. IS it possible to have BH at about 6-8 weeks?
  64. OK, I need your help. New to this!
  65. Would you get offended?
  66. Pregnancy affirmations
  67. Home Water Birth in Brisbane: Midwives?
  68. video about natural birth
  69. how pregnant?
  70. Monitoring at post-42 weeks?
  71. fear of dehydration - iv ??
  72. Homebirthing a premie
  73. doubting my abilities
  74. This time 5yrs ago
  75. supplement that can 'cause' retained placenta?