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  1. registering a FreeBirth in SA.
  2. Blood tests
  3. Breech Birth ~*babe is earthside*~
  4. Really bad morning sickness
  5. Doubt
  6. Slightly worried question about movement
  7. If I hear..
  8. Safe Essential oils through pregnancy?
  9. Strange emotions/jealousy in pregnancy
  10. Acupuncture for morning sickness
  11. I think I'm in for some interesting conversations with family members
  12. Tell me what's realistic
  13. Could this just be a 'pregnancy' thing? (Warning..maybe TMI)
  14. Should I book in to a hospital?
  15. Budget Winter Bellies
  16. Mum wants to be at my birth. VENT
  17. Aromatherapy during labour and its effects on attachment and bonding.
  18. A few midwife questions
  19. Bit embarrassing - bacterial vaginosis?
  20. Aquaintance having caesarean due to "heart condition'
  21. baby unable to position itself for birthing
  22. Very small amount of spotting
  23. What are your favorite healthy/nutritious foods for early pregnancy?
  24. Fat friendly mid wives- article
  25. evidence based VE's?
  26. Plastic wrap and ink/paint placenta print
  27. Extreme Tiredness - sign of labour?
  28. Did you just know?
  29. Looking to buy a "Birth Pool in a Box"
  30. How to make sure siblings aren't scared during the birth
  31. Friend 'HAS TO BE' induced
  32. Any cause for concern??
  33. Is there anything to worry about
  34. I just want to be zen and *know*, and *trust*.
  35. Postnatals - what's normal?
  36. Placenta Ponderings
  37. Belly Cast, what did you do with yours?
  38. Photographer at your homebirth?
  39. Calm birth classes??
  40. VB after 3rd/4th degree tear (for a friend)
  41. head scratching stress test?
  42. cousin told there is no more room for baby???
  43. stop start labour/prelabour???
  44. HELP with breast refusal by 13 month old at 30 weeks
  45. Flu Shot during pregnancy
  46. VB after 4th degree tearing.
  47. Strong cramps (but no bleeding) 11 weeks?
  48. Hmm.. time for a pregnancy tanty!
  49. Did you have a birth plan?
  50. Need fast ideas on vomiting / dehydration in labour
  51. First MW appointment today. Told I will have to have an "elective" CS.
  52. Flying with a newborn after Freebirth? Help with Medicare issues.
  53. Feeling Really Positive - for the moment...
  54. Recliner chairs in pregnancy
  55. Reassuring a friend about birth
  56. Im 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Getting closer and closer to a HB/FB
  57. Can anyone recommend a good birth journal?
  58. Advice, sayings and guidance
  59. We've Avoided the term 'miscarriage'!!!!
  60. Possible hyperglycemia? What do I do?
  61. Study - Planned 'abdominal birth' vs. vaginal birth for triplets
  62. Oh Wowsers!!! I should have expected this.....
  63. Hyperemesis, deydration help.
  64. Placenta Encapsulation - Gold Coast/Brisbane
  65. Natures Sunshine 5-W
  66. vomiting in labour
  67. Breast growth during second pregnancy - random advice needed!
  68. Clothes for pregnancy? Linkys?
  69. Dream interpreters!!
  70. A long awaited pregnancy announcement!
  71. Beginning to exercise in third trimester
  72. Where to buy Hypercal Tincture?
  73. Doctors Checking Breasts in Pregnancy???
  74. Pulse rate in 3rd Trimester
  75. Question about homeopathics