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  1. They BOTH want to 'catch' the baby!
  2. Maternity Jeans???
  3. Swollen Footsies
  4. Strange pain?
  5. Jaundice
  6. So nice to be asked!
  7. Birth pool or bath tub?
  8. internal or oral???
  9. Lack of natural selection screwing with natural ability to birth?
  10. Is there such thing as a traumatic planned home birth?
  11. Tearing theory....
  12. Crowning pain vs time to push baby's head our vs tearing
  13. Crowning pain vs time to push baby's head our vs tearing
  14. Birth - how we get through it!!
  15. it takes a 'certain kind of person' to homebirth?
  16. Infant period
  17. Did this happen to you in pregnancy?
  18. Prebirth gender stereotyping
  19. Irresponsible of me, or just being pure and instinctive?
  20. birthpools
  21. Scalp clip monitoring in labour
  22. More questions
  23. Help for a friend- piles in pregnancy
  24. Tips to prevent baby's distress in birth
  25. The Idiocy!!!!!!
  26. Cervix in very early pregnancy
  27. Need Advice for friend support-ASAP!
  28. Constipaaaaation!
  29. Migraines - Is there treatment that works?
  30. Birth Visualisations
  31. what the heck is this?
  32. Hhheeeeeelllllllpppppp!
  33. Outdoor birthing
  34. silly thing bugging me......
  35. Retained placenta: "I would have died..."
  36. Water birth question
  37. What day of the week were your babies born?
  38. Pre-term labor?
  39. February (late) & March Newsletter Releases
  40. YES! I ROARED...holding my baby
  41. Feeling out of sorts???
  42. Pica, anyone?
  43. I think I just insulted a friend...
  44. Flaxseed Oil, Yay or Nay?
  45. Truth and Honesty
  46. Oh, you mean it really is pain?!
  47. Midwife/ Doula- Brisbane???
  48. So embarassed
  49. EDD without useful LMP information.
  50. Beautiful JB Bellies!
  51. Hot flashes?
  52. Boobs and belly questions :)
  53. midwife scared me about u/s-HELP
  54. Sudden loss of 'signs'
  55. pushing and roaring
  56. Exercise and Pregnancy.
  57. Birth Circle invitations - wording
  58. Homebirth talk at primary school
  59. Pregnancy and animals
  60. Antepartum Haemorrhage
  61. Water birth and tearing (or lack of!)
  62. Did you birth on land, or in water? POLL ADDED
  63. Need info on Pregnancy and Epilepsy
  64. ecstatic birth article... quoting Shanley, Odent, Gaskin etc
  65. 2nd trimester rage
  66. Quick question... dilemma
  67. Going in labor on a new or full moon
  68. How do I prepare?
  69. Spotting and Cramping
  70. negative blood group
  71. About Birthing Pools (Yes, I'm obsessed)
  72. Diet in Pregnancy = Diet in Child?
  73. Why don't H/B midwives use 'happy gas'?
  74. Lotus birth - why?
  75. Those *&^%$# afterpains!