View Full Version : Homegrown Pregnancy & Birth

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  1. "Just listen to your body ..."
  2. Pain in Labour Your hormones are your helpers
  3. some prenatal herbal information
  4. What's your family mythology around birth?
  5. Anyone for cord clamping?
  6. Waterbirth resources
  7. Late pregnancy update
  8. Pregnancy updates
  9. If hospitals told the truth, would women still go to them?
  10. placentophagia
  11. Joyous Birth Care Packages 2
  12. JB care packages 3 - Janet's written docs
  13. Shamanic Midwifery
  14. New Zealand and Midwives
  15. Blessingway for Tamum (Tammy)
  16. In praise of pubic pelts and other body changes
  17. complementary therapies - one midwife's view
  18. smoking and pregnancy
  19. Possible link between stretch marks and tear/episiotomy.
  20. the T word
  21. Pushing for first time mums - and others!
  22. What if a baby dies?
  23. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative?
  24. Restless legs- any ideas?
  25. childrens books on home birth
  26. Pregnancy complications and all that jazz
  27. confused
  28. Were you right?
  29. great birth, horrible pregnancy due to depression
  30. Reasons to delay or not cut the umbilical cord - lotus birth
  31. My favourite homebirth site
  32. seaweed for repair
  33. conflict over homebirth costs
  34. Ancient Egypt - pregnancy and birth
  35. What not to eat?
  36. Sacred Birth Plan
  37. vaginal birth and incontinence
  38. children at homebirths - all your threads merged!
  39. Pre-Eclampsia Suggestions
  40. smoking and pregnancy
  41. Birthing Meditation
  42. Placenta previa
  43. viewing your birth over time
  44. Avoiding birth trauma - your voice needed!
  45. Head circumferences of babies
  46. Hubby versus ME
  47. postpartum haemorrhage and low iron levels before birth
  48. I may have found my midwife :)
  49. Home Birth Kit- What's in yours?
  50. whose placenta is it? does it matter?
  51. Ideas for Placenta??
  52. All this talk about placentas and I am curious
  53. hypnobirthing resources?
  54. New member - tough question!
  55. Freebirthing mamas
  56. What hb gear worked for you?
  57. some birth trauma myths - add yours in!!!
  58. PROM and IVAB's
  59. Question about Vitamin C
  60. Waterbirth?
  61. Syntocinon information
  62. What were the best preparations you did for birth?
  63. Haven't you had that baby yet?
  64. Did you have any tests during pregnancy?
  65. Pelvic Pain (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction)
  66. Consumer Rights
  67. may be a strange q'n....any glasses wearers?
  68. Baby movements - help?
  69. it's getting closer - gulp
  70. Madrefelice's lotus bag
  71. Where's my 5%???
  72. Article: Stupid US Senator not supporting homebirth
  73. haemorrhoids
  74. Do women need support to birth? Is it really necessary?
  75. long birth / short birth