View Full Version : Had a caesarean? Now plan a birth!

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  1. Some birth resources - please add yours in!
  2. Inspiring article on HBAC
  3. Brooke is in labour! (Sungaikecil)
  4. Reasons for caesarean
  5. hospital VBAC protocols
  6. scar integrity - a beautiful read!
  7. reducing caesareans - it can be done!
  8. counteracting negative caesarean effects emotionally
  9. should we be able to choose surgery?
  10. my NCAD contribution
  11. What are you doing to avoid an unnecessary caesarean?
  12. it's just a birth!
  13. elective repeat caesarean? Just Say No!
  14. DVT and caesarean
  15. info for ozmid
  16. link to beautiful VBAC story
  17. all this talk of birth and nobody has posted a birth plan???
  18. Scans for scar integrity
  19. VBA2C, VBA3C, VBA4C, VBA5C
  20. vaginal birth versus caesarean
  21. WARNING: Very Graphic - Caesarean Footage & Ob's Comment
  22. ultrasound for detection of placenta praevia
  23. sick of negative family input
  24. hbac question for everyone
  25. Analysing my c-sec
  26. Another vbac - edd in x3 days.
  27. Q's to ask OB re: VBAC
  28. US VBAC book project
  29. C-Sect suturing technique???
  30. Birth Centres supporting VBAC
  31. I didn't want to ask or say, but...
  32. yet another study - VBAC is SAFE!
  33. blaming the victim
  34. I've got faith in the natural process. . .
  35. I can't plan a birth.. but I'm confused and upset about my c
  36. 2006 survey - US women DON'T want c-secs!
  37. Concerns about scar and weak abdomin muscles
  38. IF someone is going to hospy birth in melbourne?
  39. Feeling empowered
  40. c-secs are not safe - another study!
  41. international c/sec stats?
  42. VBAC is a disease?
  43. Placenta accreta
  44. Repeat C-Sections Raise Risk of Maternal Morbidity
  45. Transverse Babies in Labour
  46. Repeat/Elective C Section Query...
  47. Birth Records
  48. Dialation question
  49. UR?
  50. VBAC in Brisbane / Ipswich area
  51. I know I shouldn't watch Oprah
  52. article: women not warned about risks of repeat caesarean
  53. Caesarean Risks - any more to add?
  54. Acupuncture for Inducing Labour
  55. rupture fear?
  56. National Caesarean Awareness Day today
  57. avoid interventions, avoid c-sec
  58. An empowered c/sec?
  59. Here I am- hba2c bound
  60. Tomorrow should be interesting...
  61. All types of Birth
  62. From my birth Journal
  63. Please help with CPD/VBAC info/stats
  64. Anyone had c-section/s due to baby never engaging??
  65. Statistical Rates of Caesarean 2003-2004
  66. VBAC and VBA2C stories and pictures
  67. it's the "women at fault" c-sec argument again...
  68. I did it!! After 15 mths...
  69. Homebirth and hospital backup
  70. 'Overdue' Issues
  71. Stretch and Sweep?
  72. long term effects of caesarean
  73. caesarean births to rise to 1 in 2....STAY HOME WOMEN!!
  74. Please Miss
  75. C/S and birthdays...