View Full Version : Breastfeeding is normal!

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  1. how to know if bub is getting enough milk?
  2. Expressing 101
  3. Melke breastfeeding dresses/tops.
  4. I did it!!!!!
  5. relactation
  6. The 8-9 month breastfeeder?
  7. Recurring milk blisters/blebs
  8. Milk coming out nose while feeding
  9. Succeeding this time: your tips?
  10. *HELP* Can't find a courier that will send human milk and dry ice to firespiral!
  11. Mothers Milk Bank - article in news
  12. FUCK I did it again!!
  13. Please Help - Latch and Nipple Isshews
  14. Help positioning twins for tandem feeds
  15. Pregnant - 4 yr old wants to feed like baby will
  16. PND & breastfeeding
  17. A few questions re: EBM: time of day & foremilk?
  18. Tearing my nipple off
  19. What helped you breastfeed after your caesarean or other intervened birth?
  20. Fixing tongue-tie in Melbourne
  21. Well, I'm weaning 1/2
  22. Breastfeeding and Anesthesia
  23. cup feeding EBM
  24. Got my first random stranger comment!
  25. Where to buy bpa-free bm storage bags?
  26. re-lactating or building supply from scratch specifically for EoF/donation?
  27. 2 day old newborn not sucking
  28. Breastmilk is just "filling him up"?
  29. Honouring my boobs
  30. Its ended :(
  31. My little one has moved on
  32. Weight Loss whilst Breastfeeding
  33. Weaning my 4 year old - some help please
  34. Feeding exclusively on shields
  35. Posterior tongue tie?
  36. green poos
  37. Complimented for breastfeeding in public - hooray!
  38. please help me!! Breastfeeding when pregnant
  39. 20-month-old off the breast
  40. Another breastfeeding aversion thread
  41. Not fed for over 48hrs
  42. Do you experience aversion to bfing when pregnant?
  43. Supply issues at 18 months?
  44. when BF doesn't quite go to plan
  45. Baby led solids when babe has food sensitivities
  46. Not sure how to deal with this...
  47. Water for breastfed babies in the stinking qld heat....
  48. Please help me, I'm losing my supply
  49. Breastfeeding while PG causing DS pain?
  50. Breastfeeding an extremely active 16mth old
  51. Lactation Aids to maintain BF
  52. pump recommendations
  53. Toddler returning to the breast?
  54. end of boobing advice
  55. Cosleeping and burping during night feeds
  56. very windy newborn
  57. exclusively breastfeeding until 6 months is harming your baby?
  58. Does ovulation cause a decrease in supply?
  59. Tandem feeders - When did you lose your supply and what did you do about it?
  60. Bleeding Bowel in Breatfed Bub
  61. blood in milk
  62. Where to buy BFing clothes?
  63. What's in breastmilk and formula- really great table
  64. Dare I hope?
  65. Ebm for toddlers
  66. Is this normal?
  67. BF my 2yo...
  68. I've lopsided myself badly, what to do?
  69. Toddler hydration in the heat
  70. Post-weaning hair loss?
  71. HELP where to buy tubing for SNS?
  72. Breastfeeding in Mongolia
  73. In desperate need of donor milk
  74. Foolish man!
  75. Motillium - How much?