View Full Version : Breastfeeding is normal!

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  1. painful nipples
  2. Anti-HIV Strategy Backfires in Botswana
  3. nurse ins
  4. Twin Nursing
  5. Beautiful bf story - never too late to start
  6. Self service
  7. Pak....
  8. Countering fast flow?
  9. Expressing and Working Mummas unite!
  10. great anti-formula video!
  11. Breastfeeding Outcomes.
  12. Spit up at 15 months? Eh?
  13. Breastfed Immunity
  14. Promotion of breastfeeding - Breastfeeding Nazis or not?
  15. Feeling like a freak
  16. Time to Wean
  17. Bf Freaks!!!
  18. changes to formula labeling
  19. How were you fed and birthed ?
  20. Breastfeeding Nazi's
  21. How we view breasts
  22. Need hugs- nipple biting!
  23. Making up for lost boobie
  24. Green Poo!
  25. It's times like these....
  26. listen live NOW to the bfing parlimentary inquiry!
  27. Product recommendation - Avent milk collection shells
  28. Treasure baskets - any experiences?
  29. the 6 month iron levels thing?
  30. How can I support a friend to breast feed?
  31. UK Boob watch
  32. Boob language
  33. Food for babies before 6 months
  34. When did you start giving solids?
  35. How long does it take and what's the process of making bm?
  36. Why did you give up breastfeeding early?
  37. Strange or ok?
  38. ebm in school - opinion please -
  39. Swapping sides
  40. Double pumping - whoo hoo
  41. 10 reasons to breastfeed your baby (c1900's)
  42. booby on the brain!
  43. Human milk as a drink
  44. nipple decoration anyone?
  45. Babies overfed to meet flawed ideal - New Scientist article
  46. Painful Letdowns
  47. Effect of peppermint water on prevention of nipple cracks - research article
  48. delayed lactaction
  49. Another reason not to hide away to feed
  50. nightweaning- I have to :(
  51. How *is* breastmilk made?
  52. Breast Reduction & Bfing
  53. Advice/reassurance needed. BFing 10 month old.
  54. pregnancy, breasfeeding, milk suply and an 11 month old
  55. More reason to co-sleep....article
  56. Twins
  57. Help! My friend is about to give up!
  58. Online breastfeeding conference
  59. drinking milk from other mammals
  60. Question for Artemis of the Eucalypts
  61. biting HARD
  62. Breastfeeding lying down
  63. Breast surgery between nursing babies, thoughts wanted.
  64. Induced Lactation
  65. consumerist rubbish
  66. Formula industry submissions
  67. A sad bf'ing moment today
  68. changing night feeding habits.. suggestions please
  69. Booby acrobatics?
  70. ouch-help!
  71. i am starting to resent breastfeeding
  72. Hide your shame with a breastfeeding shawl
  73. Nutricia propoganda from Channel 9
  74. Too pissed off for words
  75. Feeling smug