View Full Version : Breastfeeding is normal!

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  1. Friend needs help, baby not gaining weight
  2. Need a bit of confidence!
  3. Nipple Blister!
  4. Would you let your weaned toddler jump back on?
  5. planning to night wean a future 17mth old
  6. breastfeeding oversupply and engorgement questions
  7. the fathers infant feeding initiative study- your voice needed!
  8. How long did you?
  9. When to comp feed?
  10. La Leche League (LLL) podcasts
  11. Today I was given a 2nd chance
  12. Larger breasts = problems bfing??
  13. A Kentucky Mother fights back!
  14. Excellent Bf Article in small US paper
  15. Bf'ing and illness in the home
  16. gorgeous fountain
  17. Bush adminstration silenced ads about the true risks of artificial baby milk
  18. Journal article - Paediatricians and their inadvertent legacy to breastfeeding
  19. Exclusively breastfeeding quadruplets
  20. Too much EBM!
  21. Breastfeed for longer - South Australian health ad
  22. dangers of added fruit sugars in artificial milk
  23. Feeling the wear
  24. Sleeping through and my right boob
  25. where/how do i get herbal tinctures for increasing supply?
  26. resouces for not needing solids at 8mo, please
  27. advertising rules
  28. Don't get your hopes up, silly childless woman
  29. teeth marks around nipple
  30. Feeding Zara - Our Breastfeeding Story
  31. sudden nipple pain on one side?
  32. I have a wetnurse
  33. Wet Nurses Available
  34. Wet nursing question
  35. yet another product to 'help' you breastfeed
  36. Yey to Kimbalina's new signature
  37. Chocolate and breastfeeding
  38. Mother's Milk A Gift That Keeps On Giving
  39. A tale of wet lettuce and Yes Minister
  40. Breastfeeding in public...
  41. mastitis-when to see a doctor
  42. Self-attachment after natural labour
  43. loosing weight
  44. FF baby nuzzling?
  45. Why is Artificial Baby Milk so bad?
  46. desperately need advice
  47. Really thick b/f questions
  48. Angry at ignorant neighbour!
  49. Protecting babies in emergencies - how you can help if you donate aid money
  50. Breastfeeding games
  51. Yay for Jennifer Garner
  52. Iron levels and non eating 10 month old.
  53. Shitty advice from CN 'not enough milk'
  54. Favourite thing about breastfeeding toddlers?
  55. Sore boob!
  56. Yay, she loves the boob again!
  57. Breastfeeding Counsellors & trainee's
  58. Bfeeding and Bipolar
  59. Why are breasts sex objects in our Culture? Article
  60. Would you like some DHA from fermented microalgae or RHA from fungus in your formula?
  61. smoking and breastfeeding
  62. Support thread for Ali
  63. amenhorric breastfeeding cervixes
  64. Breastfeeding Welcome Here stickers
  65. I was offered formula samples at Big W
  66. Water for a baby? - Breastmilk only thanks
  67. Expressing issues and stuff
  68. Going through a breastfeeding low
  69. Dieting while breastfeeding?
  70. RACGP Breastfeeding Policy endorsed by the 49th RACGP Council 7 September 2007
  71. Deadline for submissions 19 October - FSNZA Minimum Age Labelling of Food For Infants
  72. positive news article about the risks of feeding babies artificial milk and obesity
  73. that Sesame Street Clip - Big Bird with some questions about breastfeeding
  74. Social chemosignals from breastfeeding women increase sexual motivation
  75. Different and Unusweal ;)