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  1. Sore Loser
  2. Protected by God
  3. Help with a head banger
  4. Teeth grinding
  5. dealing with physical aggression
  6. Do you tell your child the truth?
  7. Promoting toilet awareness...
  8. Bad days...
  9. tips on helping a child who likes to hurt themselves
  10. combustion heater safety questions
  11. Toddlers, playgroups and rules
  12. Help, advice re :Major distressed raging tantrums in DS.
  13. Oh please stop!
  14. Alternatives to smacking children pamphlet I found in a Family Centre I visited today
  15. Parenting style that leads to feelings of frustration
  16. Toilet learning anger
  17. Children saying "NO" to the toddler
  18. How would/do you deal with a 3yr old yelling at you?
  19. Night time food battles
  20. fisty cuffs
  21. Book for new parents?
  22. How to help 18mth old day sleep + the "mummy mummy mummy" effect
  23. Frustration/hitting in 18 month old-help!!!
  24. When they hurt another child...
  25. HELP!! I'm about to buy a kid harness!
  26. My angry, hurt child
  27. Gentle Parenting Ideas from a Toddler’s Perspective
  28. Really wild meltdowns in 2 year old
  29. Siblings!!! *warning comes with a LOT of smilies*
  30. Turning 11 month old's car seat - would you?
  31. toddler melt downs
  32. Having "the talk"
  33. Is it all my fault?
  34. What do you think of this?
  35. Asking for praise
  36. Scared to ask for help
  37. Hugging. And not stopping. *updated*
  38. gentle parenting a runaway 3 year old?
  39. how can i get my children to eat what i give them?
  40. How to explain?
  41. 1-2-3 Magic
  42. Reccomended books
  43. When the Baby Hurts Older Sibling
  44. My response to not feeling heard/being ignored by almost 3yr
  45. TV and toddlers- yay or nay, and how do you enforce it
  46. Little bit of a boast...
  47. Battle between friends
  48. How do you make a baby wear a hat?
  49. reassurance help anything ;-)
  50. Major meltdowns and head bashing
  51. *epic post* Tantrums, messy rooms and other stuff. Gentle parenting 8 year olds.
  52. Ways to help a frustrated toddler
  53. a fear of missing out?
  54. Struggling with the 3yo
  55. 3 year old screaming fits
  56. Lots of aggression when needing to pee?
  57. Do you have a grumpy, moody, whining child?
  58. Deja Vu...or, is it just my toddlers?
  59. Separation issues
  60. How do I help DD with her fear?
  61. Getting him into the car- what to do?
  62. Traumatised by facebook picture *trigger warning*
  63. not sure what to do.....
  64. *Help* Tandem-feeding, tantrums, transitions and two year olds....
  65. Settling issues - only wants Mummy
  66. Tantrums and eating
  67. Negotiating the non-negotiable, respectfully...
  68. The Heart of Parenting: Non-Violent Communication in Action
  69. Yelling 5 yr old WHY....
  70. some simple ideas to remember when your child's behaviour is challenging...
  71. 2yo - agression, biting and laughing at both
  72. Is there a link between cc'd, solo sleeping babes & thumb sucking, comfort toys ?????
  73. Feedback on this carer's guide please?
  74. Oppositional Defiance Disorder...?
  75. gentle parenting toddler books