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  1. Coaching child to say "I love you"
  2. Snatching from her sister-NVC mental block
  3. When other kids hurt/scare your kid- what to do
  4. Please tell me what you think the best age gap is
  5. my toddler is sooo loud!!
  6. children hobbies/sport/activities
  7. Screaming fits
  8. Refusing to have a bath
  9. Threads on siblings & new babies
  10. Can we make something like this about smacking?
  11. Horrified at some peoples advice.
  12. "Do what I need you to do"
  13. shitty day
  14. "Raising your Spirited Child"
  15. Vent.
  16. Just a vent ...
  17. James Dobson
  18. Guiding/mediating between other people's children
  19. tips on encouraging hands off other children
  20. 2 year old attack of the "no's"
  21. Feeling overwhelmed by 2yo
  22. Coping when other parents physically assault their children
  23. Becoming desensitized to my babies cries.
  24. Please help me remain gentle with him!! 3yr hurting baby
  25. 4 year old asking to be spoon fed in the highchair
  26. Why assulting your children is baaaad
  27. Cant stand it anymore!
  28. Please help me!
  29. at my wits end
  30. Articles on "coaching"
  31. but mummy you are my friend
  32. Need help with 4yo
  33. The word kill
  34. 2yo throwing food/drinks from highchair
  35. anyone bringing up a little raw food eater
  36. Overly friendly toddler
  37. Praise junkie children
  38. My 3 year old.......GRRRRRR
  39. I'm lost and disengaging - advice, opinions and anecdotes warmly received
  40. pushing her immune system or pushing boundaries
  41. Housework Expectations for 9 and 4 year olds?
  42. Adjusting to a New Family Dynamic
  43. Get OFF the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  44. Pinching
  45. scratching and biting
  46. Bed Wetting
  47. did you have your newborn checked by pediatrician?
  48. Bed time... argh!
  49. Bedtime!
  50. has anyone successfully stopped using threats?
  51. DS escaped from school today
  52. Bedtime DISASTER
  53. Toddler behaviour/new baby
  54. BLAARGH Hair pulling 2 year old
  55. Explaining the no-norty thing to others
  56. 5yo eating food on the sly
  57. how to deal with a 14 month old that bites?
  58. 4 y/o back chat
  59. What gentle guidance book did you find useful?
  60. How do I use Gentle guidance when their other parent is authoritarian?
  61. Grrrr...aarrggh
  62. gentle guidance and fair share of time
  63. Transitioning only child to sibling - Tips please
  64. relationships
  65. How to help us all adjust?
  66. Vegetarian families, when did you allow your children to chose?
  67. Tidying up Toys
  68. Shouty kind of day :(
  69. Over the screaming
  70. Please tell me it's not just me, really struggling atm :(
  71. Lying. sneaking is it an age thing it is driving me insane!
  72. Biting (and hitting)...help?
  73. Thumb Sucking Experiences
  74. What does a normal 3 year old look like?
  75. I'm so f#cking over picking things up off the floor