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  1. Gastro and high temp in 8 year old
  2. Whole hand/arm swelling in reaction to a mosquito bite
  3. Oozy, smelly armpit in newborn
  4. Late eruption of adult teeth
  5. Celiac Disease in children
  6. Chicken pox exposure.
  7. Supporting kids through antibiotics
  8. Genetic testing
  9. 8mth old doing rotten egg burps
  10. Snoring toddler - worth checking out?
  11. Teething and fevers
  12. A poo question....
  13. feeling conflicted about health advice
  14. Talk to me about probiotics
  15. Fit for what?
  16. GA for Baby
  17. Weird throat/sugar thing?
  18. What is safe temp for young baby?
  19. Significant clear discharge in post menopausal woman?
  20. Sores around dd2's mouth
  21. newby having blood noses
  22. Help - how to sensitively offer EBM to an adult?
  23. Cat bite and tetanus vaccination??
  24. Epilepsy - natural treatment/management?
  25. help!!
  26. Aerial slings - anyone done it?
  27. Sickness - is it just normal or can I blame daycare
  28. Bulk Organic Virgin Coconut Oil Available
  29. Yucky gastro thing
  30. Abdominal pain
  31. Diaentomeba
  32. An expert's opinion on caffeine
  33. Nausea after tummy bug in 3yo - normal?
  34. Whooping cough? Wisdom to share?
  35. Cumin intolerance?
  36. Want to talk to a doctor / diabetes
  37. Career Woman/ Mother
  38. Why am I so itchyyyyy?
  39. Desperate for great sleep bra!!
  40. pelvic pain (possible problems from IUD), is it possible to heal naturally?
  41. Probably stuck this in the wrong thread - but traditional midwifery training where????
  42. Natural immune systems and immune health
  43. Leaky gut elimination diet?
  44. Teeth - feeling frustrated
  45. Dirty Thirty - Ingredients to avoid in Personal Care
  46. Safer Natural Deoderant Cheat Sheet
  47. Low leukocytes and red blood cells in a very young baby??
  48. A range of symptoms....
  49. After info on emotional health and ex's.
  50. Postnatal depletion
  51. Urinary Incontinence
  52. Postnatal stuff: which tests to get
  53. Best natural moisturiser
  54. Secret Eating
  55. Anxiety meds for situations, not long term ones?
  56. Thank you wonderful women.
  57. Good occupations for anxious people
  58. Precocious pubes?
  59. how long do spots last - viral rash?
  60. Vaginal Prolapse
  61. Hitting Rock Bottom
  62. What Did You Do For Yourself Today?
  63. Getting Out Of Bed In The Morning
  64. Body/immune support for getting wisdoms out?
  65. Tell me about your GP!
  66. Body Based Therapies for Trauma Work
  67. Improving Vagal Tone
  68. Sobriety 2020
  69. The managing YOUR ageing expectations thread