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  1. Gout
  2. *Pity post warning* I am soo sick!
  3. Sprayed R with chemicals, help!
  4. To xray or not?
  5. Lump on Cervix
  6. Patterns of illness?
  7. Newborns, other babies and infection - Advice please
  8. Please help! My 6yo DD smells!
  9. ? fungal rash on face
  10. croupy cough in 3mth old
  11. some personality disorder information
  12. Weird nappy rash
  13. How to tell if it is an ear infection
  14. How can you tell if your fillings are mercury ones?
  15. Would you still buy Organic...
  16. Asthma Information
  17. Why does my boy keep getting sick?
  18. what's in your natural medicine cabinet? I'm doing an overhaul
  19. Wheat elimination diet-what's left to eat?!
  20. Vit C - does it go thru breastmilk to my kids?
  21. I'm So Run Down - Help!!
  22. Mouth ulcers in 17 month old?
  23. Do we really need child free time?
  24. Going Dairy Free - Advice for a True Novice
  25. HELP!! Pain. Bad.
  26. Teething and fever
  27. Fever and sore (?) hands
  28. Hair Dye
  29. emotional links to body parts
  30. Anti candida diet?????
  31. Recommend a gynocologist in Sydney please
  32. Microwave endometrial ablation
  33. Celiac disease
  34. ? fungal underboob itch thingy?
  35. Ticks
  36. Sick Bubba Question
  37. For Artymama Freeganing
  38. Brittle fingernails
  39. I can't relax
  40. DD's rash
  41. Food poisoning
  42. Ilithyia QUIT DRINKING COKE because:
  43. Milk Addiction
  44. Now R is sick, I need advice pls
  45. bi carb for cancer
  46. Best bowel/liver cleanse?
  47. Iron and calcium problems
  48. Tissue salts
  49. Sacroiliac joint inflammation
  50. Treatment to Remove allergies??
  51. making herbal tinctures
  52. Were you born by caesarean?
  53. Were you planned?
  54. 2 q's no A's
  55. jealousy
  56. Are you prepared for menopause?
  57. Why am I craving dairy (esp cheese)?
  58. Sore Jaw
  59. well it is not gout....
  60. My little girl fell
  61. I think my son has measles
  62. hand, foot and mouth?
  63. Can I mix Spatone and sodium ascorbate in the same glass of juice?
  64. Swollen knee remedy?
  65. Natropath
  66. Stinky stinky wee!
  67. Use of mercury in homeopathics.
  68. Endometrial polyps?
  69. Electric Toothbrushes
  70. thrush in 4yr old
  71. Xylitol to prevent/reduce dental caries
  72. Where to after anti candida detox?
  73. Hairloss 5 months post partum ..........
  74. Help with worming and pregnancy
  75. Dark circles under DS's eyes