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  1. why don't HB midwives have indemnity?
  2. What to use on my tear?
  3. Late term transverse lie
  4. Carpal tunnel
  5. Prom protocol ?
  6. Arnica
  7. Water Birth
  8. healing tears at home
  9. Pregnancy/labour/birth intuitions?
  10. Pelvic Instability. Tips for coping?
  11. How long after the waters break?
  12. sitz bath recipes
  13. Just sore muscles?
  14. beautiful peruvian birth video
  15. Freebirth - hit me with it!
  16. Rasberry Leaf
  17. What the heck is going on?
  18. Placenta Box Urgent does anyone know where to purchase one?
  19. Episiotomy - the kindest cut
  20. Please point me in the right direction...
  21. Breech Question
  22. The Pink Kit
  23. DH feelings and birth
  24. Gestational Diabetes
  25. Rhubarb, anyone?
  26. The Pink Kit Trialed!
  27. advice for a friend of a friend
  28. Links needed for a pregnant friend whose child might have a genetic abnormality
  29. lemsip?
  30. BMI & pregnancy
  31. VE's: women can say NO!
  32. Extreme pelvic pain
  33. Is this a freebirth?
  34. Breech baby concerns
  35. restless legs and OFP
  36. Can you??
  37. Didn't do a pregnancy test...
  38. How to tell 'friend' that I've changed my mind and DONT want her at the birth...
  39. How soon did you 'feel' pregnant?
  40. EPO in pregnancy
  41. Best hot towel process?
  42. How to bond with bub in-utero
  43. Where/What are the stats for elect c/sect complications?
  44. Medical testing
  45. spam me
  46. Epidural Anesthesia
  47. Urgent VBAC Information
  48. Active Birth
  49. just pregnancy pains?
  50. How did you exercise through pregnancy?
  51. Lotus Birth with a Toddler
  52. Want a lotus birth but what happens when...
  53. Going "overdue" in a homebirth? Your experiences please.
  54. Testing for Group B Strep
  55. Strange back pain
  56. Pregnancy reads?
  57. Birthing after 4th degree tear?
  58. waters breaking 'too late'?
  59. Being in "the zone"...
  60. Pelvis size & Shoulder Dystocia
  61. Palping the belly, why?
  62. Pins and needles
  63. Aching Vagina... HELP!!!
  64. a question about breech
  65. Jaundice in babies post-birth?
  66. midwife in the Warrigal area?
  67. How much influence do we have over when we birth?
  68. question about twins
  69. stupid question about labour
  70. Justified c/s at 32 wks??
  71. Didn't think I'd be challenged already....
  72. Babes close together and VBAC
  73. Oils in pregnancy
  74. Let's Talk Entonox! (Gas)
  75. When is it too early to freebirth at home?