View Full Version : Cloth Nappies and Elimination Communication

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  1. Cloth nappying is totally sucking for me at the moment...
  2. Grovey nappies
  3. he is growing so fast!
  4. Materials for cloth wipes?
  5. How often do you change babies nappy at night??
  6. Greenkids vs Bumgenius
  7. Persistant nappy rash
  8. My little nappy explanation guide for newbies
  9. Hit me with your best flat tips!
  10. Anyone have tips on how to wash cloth cheaply?
  11. How much FOE?
  12. My Toddler is now Housebroken!!!
  13. ECing anyone?
  14. Best Fitted Nappies and why?
  15. Dry pail smells
  16. ECing a 1yo - nappies?
  17. big nappies
  18. for those who made their own bamboo flats
  19. MCN for Dolls? Where to get them?
  20. Favourite newborn MCN?
  21. need help finding a nappy asap
  22. can you dye minky fabric?
  23. Wiping butt after poo - what age?
  24. Where do I start?
  25. A question about flats
  26. A question for snappers
  27. Can I get decent covers from Big W?
  28. Anyone make their own cloth nappies and accessories?
  29. BBH PUL covers
  30. Storing cloth wipes
  31. Change in frequency
  32. Making boosters
  33. Where did you buy your little squirt from?
  34. wool / fleece covers
  35. Best flat and prefold fold for boy?
  36. Question about BBH PUL covers
  37. Pre Wash questions for MCN
  38. I think Lucas did it himself :)
  39. Itti Bitti D'Lish sizing
  40. Whatcha think of this fabric????
  41. Intimidated by making the switch
  42. Clothd'up closing down sale - fitted nappies $8
  43. cloth nappy brands
  44. How long is too long?
  45. Potty recommendations
  46. *Nesty Nesty* Where/how do you store your nappies?
  47. bio liners?
  48. Baby beehinds are all stiff
  49. Fav night time nappy for big weers
  50. I Love Itti Bitti D'Lish!!
  51. Self-toileting!
  52. What is the best AIO nappy?
  53. Recommend me a nappy/nappy pattern for my boys!
  54. home made wipe solution (and a dye question too)
  55. Catch 22 - I need some help!
  56. ECing and toddlers?
  57. How embaressment
  58. Aww.. wish this would fit Elora - sml 'born at home' nappy
  59. cloth nappy basics...help!
  60. nappies squishing testicles?
  61. another nappy question from a troubled convert
  62. NB stash advice
  63. sewing my own nappies
  64. Wetting through nappies
  65. Itty Bitty D'Lish AIO & SIO
  66. Where do you buy your nappies?
  67. Poo Stains
  68. Night time transitions - need advice.
  69. Camping and 3 in clothe nappies any tip on how to make it easy
  70. toilet balls
  71. MCN's and Thrush
  72. Back to nappies after being nappy free...Need some help.
  73. Tell me your favourite night combo
  74. Raw silk for liners
  75. Lanolising wool.. Do you?