View Full Version : Cloth Nappies and Elimination Communication

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  1. EC with a one year old?
  2. Nappy repairs - suitable elastic?
  3. Tots Bots - Cotton vs Bamboo
  4. itti modification?
  5. BBH Nappy Party
  6. itti bitti - poor customer service RESOLVED!
  7. poo poo pouch...
  8. scared of the potty/toilet
  9. EC Chat Thread
  10. HELP!!! Box of detergent in the washing
  11. Do you wash your nappies in cold water?
  12. Is this enough nappies for a newborn? *new question post #15*
  13. fleece covers Tots Bots
  14. nappy lining
  15. QUICK!!! go to the itti site
  16. Snaps?
  17. Hand washing cloth
  18. Split Crotch Pants - FREE
  19. Do not click on this link
  20. Anyone tried these??
  21. pocket nappy recommendations
  22. Can you replace the leg elastic in Ittis?
  23. Dry overnight, need pant suggestions please
  24. EC adventures
  25. pooing in the bath
  26. Softening bamboo nappies and inserts?
  27. Where to buy?
  28. rubi has gone potty for the potty
  29. EC - Any other late (ish) starters?
  30. who makes MCN to order?
  31. Issy Bear nappies onsale today only!
  32. Just have to enable...
  33. Red itti, colour run???
  34. Newborn Girl Advice
  35. Strip washing for persistent nappy rash?
  36. I've slept with a nappy free naked baby 4 nights!
  37. Frustrating journey to ECing with a late starter
  38. Funny EC story...
  39. BBH Sale
  40. no more nappies
  41. Newborn nappies, advice on sizes.
  42. Baby Beehinds - just crappy!
  43. First catch!
  44. Fancy pants disposables...?
  45. minky nappies
  46. Baby Harmony closing down sale (NZ)
  47. rash with cloth
  48. EC-ing accidentally
  49. How to make pop-up cloth wipes
  50. Best nappy (fitted? AIO?) for newborn
  51. Lanolin spray any good?
  52. ECing – what (nearly) stopped you?
  53. How to transition from nude toileting to clothed?
  54. Lanolising Sheepskin?
  55. sewing your own nappies
  56. Baby-wearing nappy bag?
  57. Pre-fold recommendations for newborn?..
  58. Your favourite nappy
  59. Sized nappies vs OSFA
  60. cloth advice
  61. Where do I buy flushable nappy liners from?
  62. what is going on with my nappies
  63. What's the weirdest thing you've found in a nappy?
  64. Toddlers and public toilets
  65. Bamboo stuffers - where to buy?
  66. Nappy breeds (as in brands that is, not vermin in the actual nappy)
  67. Has anyone used Bits 4 Bots nappies?
  68. What's your night nappy solution?
  69. Cotton Bottom online store
  70. Got links?
  71. Little Bittis AIO drying time
  72. ahhhh the mystery poo, where art thou!
  73. Urinating in the car...
  74. dying prefolds
  75. cute EC bum