View Full Version : Cloth Nappies and Elimination Communication

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  1. Help - how to talk to sposie users sensitively
  2. bumGenius
  3. Tips for softening old terry flats?
  4. Bumgenius Flip same as cover with prefold laid in?
  5. Undie phobia
  6. Has anyone used Rockin' Green before?
  7. Nappy Repairs
  8. English Name for Cloth Nappies
  9. storing cloth nappies long-term
  10. Your opinions/feedback/ideas... building a nappy stash.
  11. Your Fave EC/Toilet traing pants?
  12. Help! Mouldy nappies can I salvage them?
  13. Road Tripping and Cloth Nappying
  14. Contours?
  15. ~ JB Cloth Kit for the NICU ~
  16. Decent terry flats
  17. Very smelly nappies, even when freshly washed
  18. Toddler hates cloth
  19. Purpose of 'Wet Bags'?
  20. itti bitti one day sale
  21. cloth nappies your opinions please
  22. Dry pailing
  23. washing caring for your cloth nappies
  24. Trifolds to use in Bummis covers
  25. How do you price used MCN's?
  26. Biodegradable potty
  27. how would you dress winter newborn for EC?
  28. pul mattress protector
  29. EC Friendly Cloth Nappy Solution?
  30. anyone willing to sell leg warmers?
  31. how to learn EC from scratch..
  32. Swim MCN
  33. TPU and PUL?
  34. Stinky covers help!
  35. Nappy help!! They are falling apart!
  36. Stash fillers...what do you recommend?
  37. Does everyone love Bubblebubs BamBams??
  38. ECing at night
  39. Clothing a newborn
  40. does anyone make pocket nappies? I want to buy/ nappy life
  41. Nappy sizing
  42. ECing and skid marks!
  43. Odd advice re pocket nappies
  44. Recommend a night nappy AIO / pocket for a big bubba!
  45. Getting out of the night time nappy
  46. 10 Bamboo Pocket Nappies for $69.99 from Off The Back
  47. Cloth from Birth
  48. What do people say about your ECing?
  49. Bulk order of Pocket MCNs at Wholesale Prices
  50. Bummis Prefolds
  51. My nappies are falling apart!
  52. Where do you buy your flanny and Terry flats?
  53. Toilet out and about
  54. Terry Towel Flats - how do you make them soft?
  55. BBH minkee pocket nappies....??
  56. EC babe pooing in night nappy and going back to sleep!!
  57. Bubblebubs is having a sale
  58. Cloth and Disposable Nappies
  59. Too late to start EC?
  60. Replacing leg elastic
  61. Sick of people laughing at me for choosing cloth
  62. Nervous about going cloth
  63. Cloth night cover for large child
  64. What would you do?
  65. Looking to try greenkids, Itti bitti One size and cushie tushie anyone selling any?
  66. Compostable nappies
  67. Disposable nappies for older child, what type?
  68. What am I doing wrong!? About to give up
  69. ReusaBle cloth training pants
  70. Planning to EC, but also have cloth nappies on hand - looking for stash suggestions
  71. How I toilet trained my DS from 15 monts
  72. cloth nappy pattern recommendations
  73. We have toilet awareness!!!
  74. wet bags - which ones?
  75. Are Polypropylene nappy liners flushable? vs Viscose?