View Full Version : Cloth Nappies and Elimination Communication

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  1. The end of an era
  2. Where to get quality cotton prefolds (preferably organic)?
  3. Close Pop-in nappy vs Itti Bitti Tutto
  4. boingo nappy fasteners
  5. EC clothes
  6. want to buy beehinds PUL large x 2
  7. Hippybottomus have a 'Wholesale Sale'
  8. Washing Nappies.... help and advice please....
  9. Fitted Nappies and Baby Wee Leakage
  10. Cloth for lazy mamas
  11. Ergh dunno if I did the right thing...
  12. Fluff! In support of the terry flats
  13. anyone tried these nappies?
  14. Reluctant partners
  15. easy knit pattern for leg warmers?
  16. Nappy Flats and Covers - where to buy
  17. Super wee'ers and flats
  18. Prefolds, flats or fitted for newborn? And making/ fixing your own?
  19. Want to mend a PUL laundry bag
  20. Big potty or child's commode recommendations
  21. Who makes woollen longies??
  22. Premie Nappies and covers needed!
  23. Free EC teleseminar 21st Nov
  24. Brown/Pink Stains on Nappies
  25. Spray on nappy lanolin
  26. Quilting or flannel outter for a nappy
  27. Recommendations - MCNs in 2013
  28. ECing mamas - what signal does your babe give you?
  29. Please listen to me rant about DD's toileting
  30. EC from birth day tips?
  31. Missed a poo - how do people do this everyday??!?
  32. Snap machine on sale
  33. There's a naked baby in my bed!
  34. Using pre-folds
  35. Where to offload a heap of cloth nappies?