View Full Version : Babywearing

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  1. What are your faves for each type of sling/wrap?
  2. toddler with a sudden aversion to BW
  3. Just have to gush about DP + BW
  4. Peanut shell advice
  5. Homemade ABC
  6. Wrap newborn in boobing position?
  7. Breast feeding, now BABY WEARING :)
  8. Carrying on Campaign - come join us!
  9. slingalongs - any good?
  10. I converted someone today!
  11. Favourite way to babywear?
  12. Failing at wearing atm, feel bad
  13. Pouch or Sling?
  14. Babywearing - Am I doing it right? pics included...
  15. Ummm ... why DID I buy that pram?
  16. Fave SSC? Hit me with brands and links
  17. Boba Wrap/Sleepy Wrap or similar
  18. Babywearing Children's Books
  19. BB slen Pineapple wrap?
  20. Woven wraps. Please explain.
  21. Hiking Baby Carriers
  22. Wrap to Ring sling in the illawarra/south Syd?
  23. gorgeous new didymos wrap up for grabs...
  24. Anyone know where I can get an Ergo style dolls carrier?
  25. What's your favourite Newborn sling/ carrier?
  26. Woven wraps - where to start
  27. Opinions of the Beco carriers?
  28. Does anyone know of any sling libraries...
  29. Didymos vs Girasoll
  30. Baby wearing confusion/woes
  31. Safety of babywearing on buses
  32. Fav mei tai for bigg'uns?
  33. Lovely custom made woven wraps
  34. rings for sling
  35. Dying an Ergo (or decorating one) - have you done it?
  36. Enable me!
  37. Possibly a silly question-
  38. Ergo users - help me with a dumb question!?
  39. Does this wrap look okay?
  40. Impressive Babywearing